Messy boyfriend

Now I need to ask who else’s boyfriend is very messy but never takes the blame?

Honestly my boyfriend is so messy it is unbelievable, his room gets so bad that you can barely even walk in it, it’ll be like that for weeks on end and he is very very good at passing the blame onto me, like as if I would want to be walking into a bomb site, I even reached breaking to where I found myself tidying his room and making it spotless. I go back to his house a week later and again it is a bomb site “it’s all your mess” he said to me and I couldn’t believe it I finally decided to stop tidying it if it was gonna keep getting like that.

Let’s move on the the dreaded car, they love their car, their car is so important to them, the love of their life because they don’t ‘backchat’ but when it again comes to mess it’s always the girlfriends fault because we sit in the passenger side it must mean all the mess is ours never mind the 6 bottles of Diet Coke that only they drink, if it is on our side then it is our mess. Please tell me this isn’t just my boyfriend that does this ?

QuestionBaby out!

Grown up

How do you become more of a grown up like really?

Is it when you have barely anything left in your room, that way it doesn’t look childish ? Or your walls are basically all bare with no fun element to them at all. Someone please explain because I really do not feel like a grown up

They say you become a grown up after your teen years aka 20 is an adult however you still never get treated like an adult, for instance if i was to have a child at my age my mother and father would probably disown me saying I am too young I have my whole life ahead of me before I should have a child, yes money is probably more of an issue to them, they are very money orientated people. At my age my parent had 2 children a dog and a house so to me being told I am too young to have a family is a bit contradicting. Will I finally feel like a grown up when I do have a family ? Or will it be when I get a house and actually have to deal with grown up situations ? Please help my brain and let me know when I will finally feel like an adult.

QuestionBaby out!